by admin | May 7, 2021
Michael Todoroff Turkey Vulture Oil on Linen 40 x 30 inches Collection of Woodson Art Museum As a young Boy Scout working on my bird study merit badge, I got hooked on birding. The Turkey Vulture was among the first birds of prey I learned to identify. Today, when we...
by admin | May 7, 2021
Claudia Roulier Catch and Release Mule Deer Carbon Pencil, Charcoal 22 x 30 inches Available for Acquisition This last year has been a strange journey through which I have examined myself and my art. Because my art is so stylized I thought maybe people thought I had...
by admin | May 7, 2021
Maegan Oberhardt First Lesson Koala Fumage 27.1 x 18.8 inches SOLD Koalas are exceptional mothers—caring for their babies and making sure they learn everything they need to know, however long it takes. I wanted to show that unconditional love a mother has towards her...
by admin | May 7, 2021
Maryann Mullett Dry Cycle Anhinga Soft Pastel 18 x 22 inches SOLD Being fortunate to have a winter residence near a wetland reserve, I have access to anhinga, blue herons, tricolored herons, wood storks, egrets and more. The calculated crop of “Dry Cycle”...
by admin | May 7, 2021
Kelly Grace McNeil White Crested Geese Oil on Canvas 12 x 16 inches Available for Acquisition I found these Greater White Crested Geese swimming free at a pond at the Moscow Zoo. I was pleasantly surprised that they are native to Canada also. It is named for the white...
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